Thursday 5 December 2019


Every year we have a pet day at school and for pet day this year we had to write how to train a dog. If you have a dog at home  you could try this and see if it works. Please let me know how you get on.                  

Today I am going to teach you how to train a dog.

To train a dog you will need patience, and time, and a dog. You will also need treats to reward your dog.
First thing you need to do is get a dog and then you need to do is start teaching your dog a trick by talking to it or by using hand signals. Then you need to reward the dog when it does the trick but make sure the treats are different than what you normally feed them, meat is a good treat. If you are toilet training a dog you need to let the dog out of the house a lot and make sure the dog doesn’t wee or poo in your house, and when it does the business outside then you should reward it with a treat. Now let's say you are trying to teach your dog how to sit. To do this you will need to be consistent and if they don’t sit then you can hold a treat over their head and the dog will sit. 

Hope this will help you teach your dog. :)

P.S you need to make sure you are being nice to your pet here are some things you might not know what you are doing to hurt your dog.

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